Object Detail

Object Name
Preserved and cased Perch.


Latin Name - Perca fluviatilis

Colour - Its Flanks (sides) are pale green with dark bars running from the back. These bars vary in colour and number from five to nine. Its belly is silvery green.

Size - This depends on what food is available. Adults are often between 15cm and 30cm and weigh up to 2kg (4/5 lb)

Characteristics - Its first dorsal fin (on its back) is grey with a large dark spot at the back. Its second dorsal fin is yellowish. its pectoral fins (on its side) are brown. the other fins and tail are pink, orange or red depending on its age, time of year and the water in which it lives.

Diet - It eats small fish, either dead or alive, crustaceans and molluscs (animals in shells), insect larvae and worms. It is not fussy and will eat most living creatures that it can.

Habitat - The perch likes slow flowing rivers, like the Thames, and lives in large shoals (groups). It avoids cold quick waters.

How fished for - Anglers use live or dead fish as bait such as minnowa and gudgeon but also worms or maggots or artificial baits called lures. Many anglers catch perch by float fishing but in deep water ledgering is used. Ledgering involves the use of lead weight to keep the bait near to the bottom of the water.

Interesting Facts - One of the perch's favourite food is its own fry (baby perch)

British Record 5lb 9oz (2.52kg)
Accession No
River Thames
Associated Period
20th century
08 Aug 1913
