Object Detail

Object Name
A Doggett's cap, worn by Charles Constable in 1982.

Red felted wool cap, with a round peak and red felted wool covered button at the top. Yellowed beige cotton stitching and lining. Light blue label with letters "LOL"? marked in ink and sewn in with thick off-white thread.

The Doggett's Coat and Badge is a prize which was first awarded in 1715 to celebrate George I's accession to the throne. It was founded by the actor Thomas Doggett, who was a staunch Whig and did'nt want the Stuarts back on the throne. He died in 1721, but managed to ensure the prize was carried on through his Will. The responsibility for this eventually fell on the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, and they have organised it ever since. The race is always 4 miles- 5 furlongs, London Bridge to Chelsea.
Accession No
Associated Person
Associated Date
Associated Period
19th century
Associated Event
Doggetts Coat & Badge Race 1852, The
